Como a opinião pública influencia a decisão dos governantes

O caso da FUCAM


  • Danielle Caroline Barbosa ALMG



Polyarchic democracy, Diarchy democracy, Public opinion, Government


The central objective of this study is to analyze, based on the concepts highlighted by Dahlsian theory and the Theory of Diarchic Democracy, the importance of public opinion and its influence on government decision-making, highlighting its relevance for guaranteeing democracy. To this end, the case of Bill n° 359/2023 was analyzed, which was presented in the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais and which intended the extinction of the Caio Martins Educational Foundation – Fucam. The research method adopted was inductive and the research techniques are bibliographic, documentary and descriptive. It is concluded that public opinion significantly influences government decisions, as was verified in the specific case presented, in which, considering the population's reaction — through demonstrations, mobilizations on social networks and opinion polls — it had an impact in a significant way the trajectory of the project, even completely changing its wording and initial objective.

Author Biography

Danielle Caroline Barbosa, ALMG

Mestre em Direito das Relações Internacionais e Integração da América Latina, pela Universidade de la Empresa – UDE. Pós-graduada lato sensu (Especialista) em Direito Processual pelo Instituto de Educação Continuada – IEC PUC Minas. Pós-graduanda lato sensu (Especialista) em Poder Legislativo e Políticas Públicas pela Escola do Legislativo da ALMG. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – PUC Minas. Advogada. Chefe de Gabinete da Deputada Estadual Nayara Rocha (PP).


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2025-02-12 — Updated on 2025-02-14

How to Cite

Caroline Barbosa, D. (2025). Como a opinião pública influencia a decisão dos governantes: O caso da FUCAM. Cadernos Da Escola Do Legislativo, 26(46), 44–71.

